Friday, May 15, 2009

Didnt feel like I slept to well but did wake up stronger. Perhaps Im past this "sickness".

PushUps: 10 sets of 10
5/10 2 min wait 5/10 5 fast/5 slow down slow up Count 5 down 5 up
Feel ok yet still feel the weakness.
Mns 3 Catalyst 3
3 cups coffee
3 eggs 1 cup oatmeal
Advocare Protein shake w/banana 2 scoops= 25 grams

Thursday, May 14, 2009

2 steps forward: 1step back

Last Thursday: 4/7
TGU: 4/3 Good form but only using a 20 lb dumbbell. Starting to get the hang of this.
DLift 4/8 I actually thought this was a 1 lgd dl
BP 4/8 Now this one is becoming easier FORM is essential
Fig8/hold 4/8
Crush curl 4/10
Russian twist 4/10
1 armed swing 4/15
I was excited about the w out results yet several hours felt weird physically.
Ive been sick since then. NO energy or motivation.
Thursday : 4/14
I was hesitant and almost waited until tommorrow. Yet I AM hard headed and went to do some simple swings and ended up doing the entire workout yet DIDNT push myself. Just wanted to end.
1 Arm swing 4/15
DLift 4/12
Tactical Lunge 2/8 Started feeling weak
B Up Clean 4/8
Windmill 2/20
Floor Sweep 4/20
1/2 turkey sandwich w moz cheese
1 fried chicken finger
pasta, peas, garlic
2 Grilled chicken thighs
Hope I didnt over do Im not doing great. This virus is leaving chest throat and trying to move to head.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Advocare supplementation: Does it really work? YES

Just got from a 8 mile bike ride. Half up hill and half down. I was really struggling when I first got into the first mile and half but suddenly I felt better and my body relaxed and my lungs felt like they opened up. All I can say is that the Advocare O2 supplement must have kicked in because I felt better. I'm still a bit discouraged at my lack of a better endurance but know that if I keep diligent; it will return.
Did 5 sets of 10 push-ups; 5 fast then 5 slow count; 1 2 3 down 1 2 3 up.
Got to go eat.


Today(Tuesday) I awoke earlier than normal. Perhaps it was when I tried to turn over and my sore stiff body groaned at the inconvenience of movement. I must admit that age and inactivity have taken a toil, however; I am stoked at how fast these kettlebell workouts are quickly pointing out my weakness' and strengths. I am quickly understanding( I have no choice the kettlebell MAKES ME!) to apply the form and let the kettlebell exercise take control and do the work. I apply the effort the kettlebell supplies the results and quickly I might add
The Workout:
1 Armed swings 4/10 Swithched R to L No rest
1 legged dead lift 4/5
Tactical lunge 4/5
Bottom up Clean 5/8 R then L; I played around with a variation on last set of 1; R then a swing to change hands then L then a small swing to change hands.
Floor Sweep 4/20; I added a variation that felt good in upper abs; from bell position above chest after sweep, extend bell with straight arms to floor above head, lightly touch floor and bring approx 12 in up then back to floor and repeated 20
Windmill 4/20
Omited: Tight rope press Didnt know how to do it!
3 cups coffee
3 eggs small slice mozzerella cheese
1 cup oatmeal after w/out
5 dried apricots
Chick Filet #1 with cole slaw and tea. Did NOT eat the bread and ONLY ate half. Portion control
1 1/2 hrs later ate the rest
Fried scallops(no breading) with french cut green beans( garlic, dab real butter, salt ) fresh grated parmessan and 1 /2 glass of Chardonnay wine
Just before bed: small bowl of fiber cereal w/organic milk. I get hungry just before bed.
What my body is feeling:
I am stiff from knees to chest. Especially in hip area from front to back. Its a sore, stiff, tight GOOD feeling that encourages me.
Its no wonder that our society as a whole has become looked upon as the fattest country in the world. We are the most overfed undernourished society in the world!! 20 years ago an average women or man was at least 25 % lighter than today. And those people cant understand why the opposite sex is not initially attracted to them. We are carnal people by nature. We have an innate idea of what attractive is. I DONT believe our society has created this vision; we have it already. In the wild, the fittest and the strong survive. We, as animals/people ARE NO DIFFERENT!
Aside from looks; we are also the most unhealthy as well. At what point did we forget that eating properly was not necessary? We go to great lengths to make our animals healthy!! Why not ourselves???
Ive had this discussion with several of my friends. One is a very attractive women yet is 30lbs overweight and cannot understand why she not sought after by men. She's successful, smart, fun, agreeable and miserable. But she ignores the solution. Funny how our physical bodies also play a part in our mental happiness yet we place blame on everything but that which is the root, ourselves.

I have also had to look inward and do some soul searching. I am out of shape, overweight and at one point IGNORED THE FACTS. Be honest with yourself. MOST people will NOT. And dont count on your friends. Ive been honest with myself. I need to lose weight be healthier and eat better, exercise more effectively/regularly. Add suppliments to help complete the balance of good health. Im on my way
Its ALL about balance.
How about you?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

I ran today. I will not say hate but I dislike running. Perhaps because Ive not been very good at any distance since I was a lot younger. Yet I know I must include this into my regiment if I wish to reach my better health goal. Today I ran 1 mile. 1/2 was downhill and the 2nd half was uphill. I was pretty beat and spent. Yet every time I do run; I recover very quickly and feel good enough to run again.
30 min after the run I did 5 sets of 5 fully extended arms pull-ups. 4 at underhand Last at Overhand
Reg Grip
Wide Grip
Narrow Grip
Reg Grip
The 5th was Reg Grip

Diet for the day.
3 cups of coffee
Breakfast: 3 eggs and small bowl of high fiber cereal
1/2 turkey sandwich with lettuce
Lunch: Salad of mixed greens with tomatoes and sliced yellow squash( red wine vinagerett dressing)
1/2 lb scallops
2 chicken thighs(cut into pieces)
onions and garlic fried in olive oil with the scallops and chicken

Saturday, May 2, 2009


Today whether I like it or not has been a day of wandering thoughts searching the corners of my past and present and looking to the future. Oddly enough, its was a kettlebell training session that began this thought process.
Simple exercises quickly amplify the areas one is physically weak. We can lie/tell/convince ourselves all we wish but they are there. Kettlebells will automatically find your weaknesses and improve them. Just keep the proper form. Find the weakness in your eating regiment and commit to the change. Eat better, add supplementation, schedule and stick to workout schedule letting none of the normal "excuses" become reasons. Yet much of change hinges on the mental commitment, which can/does support all the rest. As in the title " a beautiful waterfall begins with just one drop! So does our lives. So let the waters flow and as I was told once; take as much time to plan your work as you work your plan and be smart enough to make changes yet stubborn enough to keep moving forward. Find the balance and you'll be surprised how satisfied at your journey you will become.
Today is the second official workout that Jon Alford has "prescribed" for me! I admit; it didnt appear as hard as it looked. Boy was I humbled thrilled and exhausted at the end. Learned alot and took longer than I normally would learning the proper form and then applying it properly with a 16kg bell.
1) TY GUP 4/2; 20 lb db
2) Deadlift 4/8
3) BP 4/4 Hard at first
4)Fig 8 to Hold 4/8
5) Crush Curl 4/8
6) Russian Twist 4/10
6) 1 Arm Swing 4/10 Rt 10 then Lt 10 switching in air non stop
I was worn out. Struggled greatly at the BP and TK G Up however I was extremely satisfied with myself and had a new found respect for what "seemed" to be a set of simple exercises.
3 cups coffee
1 bottle water
1 bottle H2O w/spark
Protein Shake with fresh pineapple/banana/grapes 3 scoopes protein,
2 eggs 1 hamburger patty for lunch
1 bottle H2O with Rehydrate and Spark
1 cold Corona! Reward for good workout and enjoying beautiful day.
fiber bar
16 large boiled shrimp, 2 red potatoes sliced and fried, peas ! Mmmm
Go watch the movie FRENCH KISS w/ Kevin Kline and Meg Ryan LOL